Meet Your 12 Superpowers:

The 12 qualities that can get you through ANY challenges and help you reach your highest potential!
selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers


The 1st Superpower

Generosity is being kind and caring, and glad to assist or support. People who use Generosity are glad to give their time, money, food, or love to people - and it doesn’t matter if they need it or not.

silhouette of person's hands forming heart in the evening sun


The 2nd Superpower

Compassion is to care or worry about someone in an empathetic way. It generates a good, kind, way of living - like all the other superpowers. It helps you connect with others, and heal friendships that have broken.

child jumping to a big rock under gray and white sky during daytime courageously


The 3rd Superpower

Courage is overcoming fear, to keep on going, and being brave in hard times. It strengthens you to go on. In hard times when you think you can’t do something, Courage is right there, all “geared up” and ready to help you get up and shine!

person holding click pen in one hand and a messy paintbrush in the other


The 4th Superpower

Creativity is the power to create by imagination - being able to use your imagination and let ideas flow! Creativity can have the ability to heal and inspire. We wouldn’t have anything without Creativity. The world you stand on, the galaxy, the universe, beyond the universe, IS ALL MADE BY CREATIVITY!

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The 5th Superpower

Purpose is a constant plan or intention to achieve a long-term goal that is meaningful to you and beneficial to the world. Purpose is why you are here on Earth, and how you make a difference. Countless people have used their purpose to assist humans, animals, and the Earth and have been a great example to others.

a close up of a baby curiously looking at the camera


The 6th Superpower

Curiosity is a strong desire to know or learn something. Doing that can decrease confusion and doubt in our life! It can be a tool to strengthen you, or even lead you to a discovery that can change someone’s life - including yours. Curiosity “trains” your mind mentally, which makes it stronger and stronger everyday!

man holding his hands on open book


The 7th Superpower

Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. If you persist and have Faith in your work, it will be finished. With Faith, you can do anything - it motivates you to keep going! Having Faith in someone else can change the world.

grayscale photo of two person holding hands


The 8th Superpower

Connection is a special bond formed through trust and sharing experiences with others. When we practice and normalize connecting with each other, we can have someone and be someone to turn to in times of sorrow or struggle! Connecting allows us to feel a sense of support and acceptance.

woman in white spaghetti strap top standing on the seashore extending her arms


The 9th Superpower

Autonomy is the right or state of freedom of choice. When we have the power to be free, we can make decisions based on who we want to be. When you are free, or feel free, you can decide to be kind. One act of kindness can change a person’s life forever!

brown scrabble game tiles spelling hey don't worry just live


The 10th Superpower

Authenticity is ‘not false or copied’. Authenticity is being genuine and real. Authenticity is what shapes who we truly are. We are all unique! No human is the same - even your fingerprints don’t have a match. Everyone is different, and that is what makes us the same!

brown scrabble game tiles spelling Intuition


The 11th Superpower

Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without needing a reason. Whether you "listen to your gut" or not can make a big difference in your or someone else’s life! Usually, Intuition is reminding you so that you remember, or telling you something isn’t safe.

Emojis on a phone


The 12th Superpower

Emotion is a natural feeling that comes from our mood or relationship with others. It is NORMAL to express your emotions, especially because they are a part of us! All of the emotions are good - there are no “negative” or “positive” emotions. In fact, we couldn’t be happy without sadness coming first!

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Imagine you are speaking in front of more than 100,000 people! You probably wouldn’t believe it, right? If I could tell my 10 year old self that in a year she’d be speaking in front Read more…

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