Imagine you are speaking in front of more than 100,000 people! You probably wouldn’t believe it, right? If I could tell my 10 year old self that in a year she’d be speaking in front of hundreds of thousands of people in another continent, she probably wouldn’t believe me either!

Today, I am proud to announce that at 11 years old, I spoke in India in front of 700,000 people about one of YOUR superpowers: Connection!

grayscale photo of two person holding hands

Connection is more than simple conversations –  so what is Connection?

Connection is a special bond formed through trust and sharing experiences with others. We must be connected – it is a human necessity! When we are babies, we have to connect with someone who cares for us in order to want to be with them. We need to be with them to survive!

Connecting allows us to feel a sense of support and acceptance, and we all want to feel that way. Connection allows us to have someone and be someone to turn to in times of sorrow or struggle. To change the world!

It is important that we practice and normalize connecting with each other. You can get to know a neighbor, a friend, a classmate, people at work, a stranger, or even a family member better, especially those who are different from us.

So try it out today – connect with someone! You can connect with someone in your neighborhood, someone in your apartment complex, or really anywhere you go, at any time!



Eliana Fernandez in a yellow shirt with flowers speaking

Eliana Fernandez

Eliana Fernández is an 11-year-old author, speaker, and influencer and the author of the upcoming book "Your 12 Superpowers." She's spoken and performed on stages internationally. She has partnered with brands like Disney, Paramount, Netflix, and more national and international brands. She is passionate about helping children discover their superpowers and use them to make the world a better place.


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