About Eliana Fernández

Eliana Fernández is a speaker, author, and entrepreneur. She is 11 years old and has 3 amazing sisters – 22, 21, and 5 years old – and a wonderful mom who has helped her through the hardest times.

Eliana Fernandez in a yellow shirt with flowers speaking

She is the author of the upcoming book “Your 12 Superpowers,” which will teach how to understand and activate all of Your 12 Superpowers! She has spoken on stages nationally and internationally, and continues to follow in her mom’s footsteps, inspiring and changing thousands of people’s lives worldwide.

She has collaborated with many brands, such as Nickelodeon, Disney+, Netflix, Paramount, GoGo Squeez, and more national and international brands. Eliana has spoken nationally and internationally on stages. Recently, she spoke in India in front of 700,000 people about one of the 12 Superpowers, Connection!

Eliana in a green dress speaking in India

Her mission is to help people of all ages find and activate their 12 Superpowers. She believes that when you use these superpowers, many things can happen – you can get through any challenges, become who you were meant to be, and achieve your goals!