I’m sure you were surprised when you found out you had superpowers – and you’ve probably started to wonder how I found out about them. If you really want to know, we’re going to have to time travel!

Let’s go back to 5 years ago, 2019, in mid-January. I was in the living room, minding my own business when my eyes shifted to my dad walking to the door. I walked over to him, and he was already out of the door frame.“Where are you going?” I asked him. He knelt down and told me that he had to go for some time.. but he’d be back. He said goodbye and left. My eyes welled up, and I ran to the couch to cry – and I ended up crying myself to sleep!

The next morning, forgetting what happened the night before, called out his name, and then stopped. I remembered. Tears rolled down my face. My mom heard me and called me, so I ran to the bedroom, and she gave me a big hug. She comforted me, telling me “I’m here for you,” and acknowledged that I was sad.

Every day, I waited and waited for a knock at the door, or at least a message. All I got was one. Just one voice message. When he sent it, it had been about 2 weeks after he left. That gave me hope, and I thought that maybe, just maybe, he would come back!


I was wrong.


Fast forward to 5 years ago, 2019, on August 21st. I woke up, ran down the stairs, and shouted, “I’M 6!!!” My excitement levels blasted through the sky, as I prepared for this fun-filled day. “This is the day,” I thought. This was the day that I would see my dad again – well, it was my birthday…

So many of my friends were at my Minnie Mouse themed birthday party – and I had so much fun! Time passed by… laughing, singing, crafting!  Eating, running, “We need to go soon!” Playing, slowing down, “Say goodbye!”…. and, the party is over.

I caught my breath, smiling wide, thinking about the party – and ate some  of the leftover cupcakes! Later that night, as I went up the stairs and climbed in bed, tears dropped on my pillow. I started wondering why my dad hadn’t come to my 6th birthday party –  he didn’t even call! It had been more than 7 months since I had last seen or heard from him. The night that he left me and my family was the night that led me to wonder if I’d ever see him again.


My mom was now single and pregnant, and me and my sisters were fatherless. In early October of that year, when my mom was in labor, she found out that my little sister was in danger in the belly and the doctors had to perform an emergency c-section. Thankfully, it was successful and my sister was safe and healthy, but my mom was still weak, so my 2 older sisters, my new baby sister and I had to stay for a few days at the hospital with my mom as she recovered.

My mom had an old notebook for me – so I got my colored pencils, crayons, and pens and just as I was about to draw, she suggested that I write about the painful experience. Well my mom was certainly surprised when I didn’t just agree, I also decided myself:

“I’m gonna write a book about it!”Little Girl writing in notebook

So I started to write a book called “My Experience with My Dad”. I wrote about the night he left, and all the painful feelings, but that evolved into chapters like “Remember the Happy Moments with Your Dad” and “Love Your Dad Forever”, which led me to realizing that I had everything I needed, including my 3 sisters, beautiful mom, and 2 cats, who made me TRULY happy.

Then, I found Your 12 Superpowers. The tools that are built in to us, the ones we never realize are saving us from unsafe situations – including some situations we don’t even notice!

I still have the notebook that 6 year old me wrote in now, and I go through both heartbreak and laughter whenever I read it. Although I never published the book, writing that book inspired me to write another book about Your 12 Superpowers!

  1. Generosity
  2. Compassion
  3. Courage
  4. Creativity
  5. Purpose
  6. Curiosity
  7. Faith
  8. Connection
  9. Autonomy
  10. Authenticity
  11. Emotion
  12. Intuition

Without Your 12 Superpowers, any bond, friendship, or relationship we have wouldn’t exist, and when we don’t activate them, we experience depression, loneliness, and probably wouldn’t even want to be alive!

You have the ability to activate the Superpowers within you – in fact, you’ve done it many times! If we all work together using our Superpowers, we can make the world a better place and live in peace and harmony!

Categories: Superpowers

Eliana Fernandez in a yellow shirt with flowers speaking

Eliana Fernandez

Eliana Fernández is an 11-year-old author, speaker, and influencer and the author of the upcoming book "Your 12 Superpowers." She's spoken and performed on stages internationally. She has partnered with brands like Disney, Paramount, Netflix, and more national and international brands. She is passionate about helping children discover their superpowers and use them to make the world a better place.


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